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Неповторимо изживяване в сърцето на София

A unique experience in the heart of Sofia


Разположен в самото начало на зеленият Южен парк и до любимия на Софиянци и гости на столицата пешеходен мост на Влюбените, ресторант OXBO е просторен и модерен с естествен завършек.

Located next to the beginning of the lush South Park and next to the famous pedestrian Lovers bridge, OXBO restaurant Sofia is a spacious and modern location with a natural twist. 

a person holding a plate of food on a table
a person sitting at a table eating food

Food & Drink

Нашите менюта с внимателно подбрани местни продукти Ви очакват.

Our menus with carefully selected local ingredients are waiting for you. 



Work With us

We’d love to have you join our team at OXBO Restaurant & Regale Bar! Please use the form below to apply. Feel free to send in your resume even if you don't see the position you're looking for listed.


Send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. You can also call us at +359 2 933 5000. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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